Sweet Symphony Exams

2022 Exam Results Round-Up

Now that we’re firmly into the New Year, it’s given us a chance to look back and analyse our 2022 music exam results. Last year, there were a total of 44 Students who sat music exams with us. We’ve been embracing the newest form of music exams – digital exams – whereby Students must film

Sweet Symphony School of Music Trinity registered exam centre

Exam Update – Summer 2019

We’re now officially over halfway through the year, and before you know it you’ll be hearing Christmas songs in the shops! At Sweet Symphony, though, we’re looking ahead only as far as September. That’s when we’ll be holding our next exam session here at the Studio, and we wanted to do a quick exam update

Sweet Symphony School of Music

The year ahead

2019 is shaping up to be a very busy year already for everyone at Sweet Symphony! We’ve got several exam sessions coming up (read more about these here) over the next few months. February sees us welcome two new Teachers to the Studio, as well as find out how we did in the Tyne &

Sweet Symphony School of Music

Certificates Galore!

We’ve been handing out exam certificates right, left and centre this week at Sweet Symphony – one of our favourite parts of the job! We never put any pressure on any of our Students to sit exams. That’s not the point of learning to play a musical instrument. But exams do provide a handy focus