We’re now officially over halfway through the year, and before you know it you’ll be hearing Christmas songs in the shops! At Sweet Symphony, though, we’re looking ahead only as far as September. That’s when we’ll be holding our next exam session here at the Studio, and we wanted to do a quick exam update for everyone so you know what’s happening and when.
Way To Go, Ana!
Firstly, though, we want to say a big congratulations to one of our Piano Students, Ana. Ana was due to sit her Grade 1 Piano with us back in April. Unfortunately, she had a nasty accident on the day of the exam itself and damaged her fingers quite badly. She had to take some time off, and unfortunately couldn’t sit her exam. But, determined not to let all of that preparation go to waste, Ana got stuck in and as soon as her fingers were better asked to be entered for the exam once more. Last month we got Ana’s result through and we’re thrilled to announce that she passed her Grade 1 Piano with a fantastic 84% which is a Merit. Way to go, Ana!
Fantasic work Ana, we’re all so proud of your grit and determination!
New Rock & Pop Registration

We’re pleased to announce that we recently applied to become a Trinity Rock & Pop exam centre. We’re already a Trinity centre, and hold our Trinity Classical exams here every few months. But our Rock & Pop Students are growing in number, and they still had to travel elsewhere to sit their exams.
We had it confirmed back in June that we can now host Rock & Pop exams right here in the Sweet Symphony Studio. However, just like the Classical exams, exam sessions are subject to a minimum spend in exam fees. So, at least to begin with, we’re hoping to offer one session a year for our Rock & Pop Students, and with time our candidate numbers should grow sufficiently that we can host more sessions each year.
For the meantime, our Rock & Pop Students will continue to be entered for exams at the nearest external exam centre.
Trinity Autumn Exams
Our Autumn Trinity session is now confirmed as Sunday 15th September here in the Sweet Symphony Studio. We have over 20 of our Students entered for this session, including Piano, Guitar and Violin Students.
Exam Students, make the most of any extra spare time you may have over the Summer. If you’re not away on holiday it’s the perfect time to get loads of practice done and you’ll be feeling super-prepared come September!
Don’t forget that you can download a list of current exam fees and other related resources by logging into the Sweet Symphony Student Portal and looking under “Online Resources”.