September 2023 Exam Results

Sweet Symphony music exam results

We didn’t hold any exams during the summer, to allow for Students’ (and Teachers’!) summer holidays. So those entered for our September 2023 exam session had plenty of time to prepare!

A total of 11 Students sat their exams in the Studio. We had a mix of Piano and Singing Students taking their exams this time, from Initial Grade through to Grade 4.

September 2023 Exam Results

Rock & Pop Vocals166%Pass
September 2023’s exam results table

Teacher Results

This month’s exam Students were shared among three Teachers: Grahame, Lisa and Meg. This month Lisa is just out in front. Her Students achieved 2 Distinctions and a Merit, giving her an average score of 89.33% this month. Well done!

Some Of Our Student Results

Jayne passed her Initial Grade Singing exam with Sweet Symphony School of Music

Jayne was really nervous going in for her first ever music exam, but she needn’t have been – she passed Initial Grade Singing and can now relax and enjoy learning to sing some new music!

Big round of applause to Harry, who passed his Grade 1 Singing exam with a MERIT!

Since the exam boards are no longer issuing physical certificates, only digital ones, we decided to celebrate Harry’s success with a proper certificate he can hold onto!

Harry passed his Grade 1 Singing exam with Sweet Symphony School of Music


Our next exam session will be held in November and will be the last session of 2023. Then we’ll be able to give you the full round-up of this year’s scores, and find out which Teacher had the most successful exam Students this year!

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