Saturday Student Focus – 18th January 2020 – Louis P. (Guitar)
We’re kicking off our first Saturday Student Focus post of 2020 with Louis, who is one of our Guitar Students. Louis has been with Sweet Symphony since March 2019 (almost his one-year anniversary!) and is making fantastic progress. This, and the fact he gets on so well with his Teacher John, is what he says he likes most about his lessons.
Louis plays Acoustic Guitar, but he hopes one day to be able to also pick up the Electric Guitar. His ambition for the future is to learn to play the song “Park Life” by Blur. Excellent choice, Louis!
So we now have our first entrant in our first draw for a free month of tuition. If you want to be in with a chance of winning, don’t forget to fill out one of the slips next time you’re in our waiting room, and pop it in the box on the wall. You could be the subject of our next Saturday Student Focus.
To check out our other Saturday Students and to read more about what’s going on in the Sweet Symphony Studio, click here.