Student of the Month – September 2023: Erin L.

Erin was our September Student of the Month

September 2023 Student of the Month: Erin L. (Piano)

Let’s give it up for the amazing Erin, who just took the crown as our September Student of the Month. Way to go!

Erin has been taking Piano Lessons for a couple of years now, and her musical talent has continued to blossom with each passing year.

Her Piano Teacher Lisa put Erin’s name forward. Here’s what she had to say about Erin:

“Erin always has a fantastic attitude towards learning. Her pieces have been quite challenging this month but she has listened well in lessons and has always worked extra hard to be able to play them confidently.”

We’re over the moon for you, Erin! Your positive attitude is taking you on a journey of learning that’s bound for greatness. Keep up the amazing work!

Each month, every Teacher nominates a Student for the Sweet Symphony Student of the Month award. These nominations are then reviewed and an overall winner chosen.

Remember: you don’t have to be the most advanced player or playing the trickiest piece to be in with a chance of being nominated. Your Teacher is looking for perseverance, determination, patience and hard-work! Everyone has an equal chance of being nominated.

If you’d like to join our lessons and be in with a shot of winning our Student of the Month award one day, why not get in touch and see if we have a lesson space for you? Give us a call on 0191 908 8441 or you can book directly below:

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