Student of the Month – December 2022: Jesse E.

Jesse was our final Student of the Month for 2022!

December 2022 Student of the Month: Jesse E. (Guitar)

Big congratulations to Jesse, who was the final winner of our Student of the Month awards for 2022.

Jesse has been a Guitar Student at Sweet Symphony for over 2 years and has been making excellent progress. His Guitar Teacher Michael nominated Jesse for December’s award, saying:

“Jesse puts in amazing effort both in his lessons and at home. He is always very polite and well-mannered in his lessons.”

What lovely feedback, Jesse, well done! Not only are you making great musical progress, but you’re a lovely-mannered Student and a joy to teach!

Each month, every Teacher nominates a Student for the Sweet Symphony Student of the Month award. These nominations are then reviewed and an overall winner chosen.

Remember: you don’t have to be the most advanced player or playing the trickiest piece to be in with a chance of being nominated. Your Teacher is looking for perseverance, determination, patience and hard-work! Everyone has an equal chance of being nominated.

If you’d like to join our lessons and be in with a shot of winning our Student of the Month award one day, why not get in touch and see if we have a lesson space for you? Give us a call on 0191 908 8441 or you can book directly below:

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