October is here! I feel like it was only five minutes since we were saying “it’s nice to be back to normal after the summer”. Now we’re looking towards the end of the year and all of the events and occasions that seem to come hot on the heels of one another in the lead-up to Christmas!
MacMillan Coffee Morning
At the end of September, we held our first MacMillan Coffee Morning in the Studio. We were really pleased with the turnout. We had around 20 people drop in for a cuppa and a slice of some fantastic cakes (shout out to my fab mother-in-law Suzanne for helping with these!) all the while helping to raise money for a very worthwhile cause.
After counting up our donations up recently, we’re happy to report that we raised a very respectable £119.74. We’re so pleased with that sum. We’re hoping that we can build on this in the future when we host more events like this. I’d like to say a big thank you to everyone who attended the Coffee Morning and/or donated.
Annual Christmas Concerts
Many of you will remember that in the pre-Covid world, we always organised an annual Christmas concert for our Students. These gave all of our Students the opportunity to perform infront of friends and family, and it was lovely to be able to see the same faces returning year after year and to see the progress everyone had made.
Once we could be sure that Covid lockdowns were behind us, last year I began to make enquiries with venues about possibly holding a concert. Unfortunately last year, none of the venues I enquired with were prepared to hire out their premises.
This year I’ve been making enquiries again, but without much luck. The best candidates are local schools who have a large theatre-style hall with plenty of seating. We need somewhere local to the Studio so that our Students and their families can easily find their way, and we’re usually back and forth to the venue in the hours beforehand while we’re getting things set up, so nowhere too far would be perfect! If anyone knows of anywhere willing to hire out a large space, please let us know.
Books For Sale
We’re continuing to have a clearout of all of our rooms’ stock of music books. Most of these books are in absolute pristine condition, but they don’t get used in the Studio and so we’ve decided to sell them on. It’s a mammoth task adding them all to the website shop but we’re ploughing through them as and when we can. Keep checking to see if there’s anything on there that catches your eye – a new music book would be perfect maybe as a Christmas present for your child (or yourself!), or even just as a treat to reward the hard work that goes into learning a musical instrument. There is a massive selection of books for all instruments, so there’s something for everyone. Grab yourself a bargain!
Dates For Your Diary – October
As part of our regular newsletter offerings, we’ll be sharing infographics showing some of the key Studio dates that month. This includes any Studio holidays, exam dates and other notable dates such as Composer birthdays and national instrument days! Here’s October’s dates to watch out for:

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As always, if you need to get in touch with us, you can contact our Admin Team. They’re available Monday-Friday 10:30-20:00. You can drop an email to studio@sweetsymphony.co.uk or give us a call on 0191 908 8441.
Louise x