Saturday Student Focus – 14th March 2020 – Matthew G. (Guitar)

Saturday Student Focus

Saturday Student Focus – 14th March 2020 – Matthew G. (Guitar)

We’ve pulled Matthew’s name out of our Student Focus box today! Matthew’s been playing Guitar for around 4 years, and so far he’s passed 2 Guitar exams with Sweet Symphony.

He loves that he has fun while learning. His favourite piece to play is “Wonderwall” – a great song to learn on Guitar!

As well as music, Matthew’s other passion is rugby. In fact, it’s written on his form that he’s “addicted” to rugby!

Matthew’s earned himself a place in our first draw of 2020. At the end of March, one of our lucky Student Focus subjects will win themselves a month of music tuition absolutely FREE!

If you want to be in with a chance of winning, simply fill out one of the forms in our waiting room, and pop it in the box on the wall. If we pick your name out and feature you in our post, you’ll be in with a chance of winning!

To check out our other Saturday Students and to read more about what’s going on in the Sweet Symphony Studio, click here.

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