Saturday Student Focus – 8th February 2020 – Samuel P. (Guitar)

Saturday Student Focus

Saturday Student Focus – 8th February 2020 – Samuel P. (Guitar)

Samuel has already been featured on our Saturday Student Focus posts back in June last year. But he submitted another entry into the box and was drawn out again, so he’s got another chance of winning! The luck of the draw!

When we last read about Samuel, he was preparing for his first Guitar exam, which he passed with flying colours – with a fantastic 93%!! Way to go Samuel!!

He’s continued to improve, and is steadily working towards Grade 2 later in 2020.

Samuel’s interesting fact about himself is that he plays football for Hetton Lyons. He’s got it all – athletic and creative!

So Samuel is now in the current draw for a free month of tuition, and you could be in with a chance, too – just fill in a form and pop it in the box on the waiting room wall next time you’re in. Every 3 months, we’ll hold a draw from all of the Students featured, and the winner will receive a whole month of tuition FREE!

To check out our other Saturday Students and to read more about what’s going on in the Sweet Symphony Studio, click here.

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