Saturday Student Focus – 4th May 2019

Ellen P. (Piano)

Ellen is one of our teenage Piano Students. She’s been coming for Piano Lessons for almost 2 years now and has done brilliantly during that time. In fact, Ellen was among our latest round of Exam Students and she passed her Grade 3 Piano Exam last month – well done!

Ellen loves the fact that her lessons are always fun and different, and her favourite piece to play is “This Is Me” from The Greatest Showman. Fab! Ellen’s fun fact about herself is that she loves to dance, which shows that she’s an all-round entertainer!

So Ellen has won herself a place in our prize draw which will be taking place at the end of June. To be in with a chance of getting yourself in the draw, just fill in one of our Student Focus sheets that are in our waiting room, and pop it in the box on the wall. Each week we pull out another Student’s name and those who are featured get themselves in our draw to win a whole month of music tuition FREE!

To check out our other Saturday Students and to read more about what’s going on in the Sweet Symphony Studio, click here.

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