What Should I Expect at My First Singing Lesson?

Sweet Symphony Singing Lessons FAQ

What Should I Expect at My First Singing Lesson?

It can be a bit daunting, starting something new. Even if it’s something you’re looking forward to such as taking up Singing Lessons, you’re going into the unknown and it can perhaps feel a little scary. Not to worry, though – we’re super-friendly at Sweet Symphony. We’ve even put together a little example of what you can expect in your first Singing Lesson with us!


Primarily, your first lesson is an introduction to your Teacher. They’ll ask you a few questions in order to get to know a little bit about you as a singer. Do you have previous singing/musical experience? What do you want to get from your lessons? Are you looking to take exams or just sing for pleasure? Is there a particular style of singing you already enjoy?


Then, you’ll take part in a warm-up exercise which will help your Teacher determine your current vocal range. This could be something like singing a scale (don’t worry if you don’t know what a scale is – it’s our job to teach you!), then perhaps engage in some fun tongue-twisters!


Your Teacher will then ask you to sing a song you already enjoy singing. This is to help your Teacher in gauging your current ability level. After this, you’ll be given a new song by your Teacher to start working on. You’ll discuss how and what you can improve, and what can be done to help you get the most out of your voice.

Obviously, we can’t learn absolutely everything about you in just one brief introductory level, and we’ll monitor your progress constantly. All of our Students (and Parents) receive written lesson notes each week after their lessons, reminding them of what they worked on during their lesson and what they need to work on in preparation for their next session.

If you’re ready to take the plunge and book a Singing Lesson, you can do so by using our fantastic online booking system here.

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